Container storage
Ecowood Container Storage
When our vehicle arrives at our warehouse, your items are loaded directly into the crates, with a full inventory taken. Once loaded the crates are closed and labelled with your details, and the crates are then securely stored.
Advantages of containerised storage:
Containerised storage is generally considered to be the most cost effective method of storage.
Furniture is protected in the crates with heavy duty protective material, such as FurniGuard - you can see it being used in the images above.
Please note that containerised storage is a non-access storage option. If you require regular access to your goods whilst in storage, you may want to consider shipping containers or self storage - please enquire if you are unsure - we'll be happy to assist.
Container Storage Service Tariff 2024 - Per 250 cubic feet storage container per week.
Summary of charges detailed below, items 1 - 7:
1) Storage rate:
(Charge per container per week)
£26.00 ex VAT
2) Warehouse handling:
Charge per container on removal from store or inspection
£26.00 ex VAT
3) Surcharge for short notice - Less than 72 hours notice excluding weekends:
Charge per container
£50.00 ex VAT
4) Single item storage (Lanes storage):
Charge per item per week:
£15.00 ex VAT
The charge for each week is based on the number of containers hired or in storage each Sunday, including those removed from storage during the charge week (minimum period is one week). The quoted rates are exclusive of VAT, per 250 cubic feet storage container per week.
5) Receiving, handling & handing out per container:
To receive, stow away, un-stow and hand out at the warehouse door, the charge is £50.00 ex VAT per container. This charge will also be applied when containers are extracted at client’s request and the collection or inspection is cancelled or postponed to another day. All instruction for container movements, this includes empties must be received by e-mail at giving us at least 72 hours notice excluding weekends. We will acknowledge all
requests by e-mail.
6) Surcharge for short notice for each container outwards:
For handling containers at short notice (less than 72 hours’ notice excluding weekends), a surcharge is payable of £50.00 ex VAT per container. Service is subject to availability.
7) Single item storage:
Our price to store single items, which cannot be accommodated within a storage container, will be based on a standard charge of £15.00 ex VAT per week. Subject to a maximum volume of 200 cubic feet. Price on request for items above.
Out of hours warehouse service:
Our warehouses are open to our customers from 08.30 to 18.00 hours, Monday to Friday.
Subject to availability, and with written agreement, services can be provided outside these hours, subject to the additional charges detailed below:
Monday to Friday – Early Opening:
A charge of £30.00 per man-hour in units of 30 minutes or part thereof from requested time to 07.30 hours. There is a minimum charge of 60 minutes.
Monday to Friday – Late Closing:
A charge of £30.00 per man-hour in units of 30 minutes or part thereof from 17.00 hours until actual time of closing. There is a minimum charge of 60 minutes.
Our Liability:
Our quotation and its acceptance are subject to our Terms and Conditions which are here and cover our liability to you in the event of loss and or damage to your goods.
Invoicing will be based on the number of containers held at the end of each week. Payment terms are 7 days from date of invoice.